Stomach Pain: Prevention and Management Strategies

Everyone deals with stomach pain in several instances in their life. Stomach pain can be caused by certain foods or because of a gastrointestinal infection. It’s important to understand how to manage your symptoms and how to prevent an infection in the future. Dr. Parviz Gholami at Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology in Calabasas, CA, can explain stomach pain, what may cause it, and how to prevent issues from occurring. 

Understanding Stomach Pain 

When you’re dealing with a gastrointestinal infection, you will often have stomach pain associated with it. This can be irritating and can lead to issues in the future if it’s not properly treated and prevented. Stomach pain from an infection needs care from your gastroenterologist in Calabasas, CA, as soon as possible. When dealing with a gastrointestinal infection, it’s important to understand the common symptoms. 

Common symptoms include: 

  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Fever 
  • Dehydration 

It’s crucial that you continue to hydrate and if you’re dealing with severe dehydration, you may need to get emergency care. Often, management will be through self-care. You may want to eat foods that will be light on your stomach, like crackers or toast. You can also consider over-the-counter medications that help treat nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.  

To prevent gastrointestinal infections from occurring in the future, it’s important that you regularly wash your hands, especially before eating or cooking. You should also fully cook meat and eggs. Be sure to only drink clean water and avoid contaminated lakes or streams. You should also avoid cooked foods that have been left out for a prolonged period of time. 

Contact Our Gastroenterologist Today 

Make sure that you’re preventing further pain! Contact Dr. Parviz Gholami at Calabasas Advanced Gastroenterology in Calabasas, CA, to learn about stomach pain and gastrointestinal infections. Call for more information today and to schedule your appointment at (818) 696-8840.

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